
Woo Network Price Prediction

Woo Network is a liquidity network connecting traders, institutions, and DeFi platforms with a current market cap of $328.6 million, and a predicted maximum value of $3.88 by 2030, with a bullish price prediction for 2025.

WOO Network is a liquidity network that connects traders, institutions, and DeFi platforms to access liquidity and trading execution at lower costs. WOO Token is used for staking and fee discounts in the network’s CeFi and DeFi products. WOO X is a zero-fee trading platform for professional and institutional traders, WOOFi is a decentralized exchange, and WOO Network offers liquidity as a service. 

WOO launched in 2020 with 3 billion tokens created at genesis, with 50% of tokens earmarked to support the WOO ecosystem. The founders of WOO Network are Kronos Research, a multi-strategy trading firm specializing in market making, arbitrage, and high-frequency trading.

Woo Network Current Price

Current price of Woo Network (WOO) is currently traded from $0.1961, %0.70 up d/d. Current market cap of Woo Network is $328.640.722, ranked 108th according to Coinmarketcap. 24H trading volume is $14.515.721 today.

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Woo Network Price Prediction for 2023

The crypto market is showing indications of entering a new phase, and there is confidence that WOO’s long-term price forecast will rise as there is still hope that the currency will attract more interest. The projected average price for WOO by the end of 2023 is $0.24, with a minimum value of $0.23 and a maximum value of $0.27.

Woo Network Price Prediction for 2024

The price of WOO on the Woo Network is predicted to have significant growth in 2024 due to several new partnerships and initiatives, with expectations that it will surpass $0.452343, but investors should wait until the relative strength index is out of the oversold zone before investing, and considering market volatility, the minimum trading price of WOO will be $0.361875, with an average trading price of $0.398062.

Woo Network Price Prediction for 2025

According to analysts, the efforts of the WOO network developers and community investors will lead to an increase in the value of the network, making the price prediction for 2025 bullish. The analysts predict that by the end of 2025, WOO may reach a maximum price level of $0.58, and the network’s future is highly optimistic. The anticipated average price of WOO in 2025 is expected to be around $0.49 to $0.51, depending on the market conditions, with a maximum price ranging from $0.49 to $0.58.

Woo Network Price Prediction for 2026

If Woo Network manage to increase market sentiment among crypto enthusiasts, it is likely that the WOO coin price will remain steady over the next five years, with projections suggesting that the WOO will reach and exceed its previous all-time high in 2026, with a predicted value of $0.814218, a minimum of $0.723749, and an average of $0.759937.

Woo Network Price Prediction for 2027

It has been projected that the WOO price will likely reach an average of $0.940874 by 2027, with a possible minimum of $0.904686 before the year ends, while having a maximum price value of $0.995155.

Woo Network Price Prediction for 2028

By 2028, with the anticipated partnerships, a bullish trend is expected to continue for WOO, pushing the average price to approximately $1.12, while breaking the resistance level may result in a maximum price of $1.18. However, if WOO fails to gain the necessary support, it may drop to a low of $1.09 by 2028.

Woo Network Price Prediction for 2029

WOO is working towards achieving interoperability between networks to speed up interaction, and the positive trend from the previous year is expected to persist, with a minimum trading price set at $1.27 and a yearly closing price estimated to be over $1.36 in 2029.

Woo Network Price Prediction for 2030

The WOO Network is expected to have significant growth potential with possible collaborations and innovations leading to increased user adoption, and a higher market investment could push its price even higher. By 2030, its value could reach a maximum of $3.88, but a market downturn may cause a decline in value. The predicted average price for WOO at the end of 2030 is around $3.38, with a minimum of $3.26 and a maximum of $3.88.


Year Minimum Price Average Price Maximum Price
2023 $0.23 $0.25 $0.27




2025 $0.49 $0.51 $0.58
2026 $0.723749 $0.759937 $0.814218
2027 $0.904686 $0.940874 $0.995155
2028 $1.09 $1.12 $1.18
2029 $1.27 $1.30 $1.36
2030 $3.26 $3.38 $3.88
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Betty Ligmart
Content Editor Hello, my name is Betty, and I am a content editor. My passion lies in creating high-quality content that informs, engages, and inspires my readers. As a finance journalist, I cover a wide range of topics, including cryptocurrencies, which I believe have the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems. I strive to deliver accurate and insightful reporting that helps my readers navigate the complex world of finance. In addition to my work as a journalist, I'm also a content lead and editor, responsible for overseeing the creation of content across a variety of platforms. I enjoy working with writers and content creators to develop compelling stories that resonate with our audience.

Betty Ligmart

Content Editor Hello, my name is Betty, and I am a content editor. My passion lies in creating high-quality content that informs, engages, and inspires my readers. As a finance journalist, I cover a wide range of topics, including cryptocurrencies, which I believe have the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems. I strive to deliver accurate and insightful reporting that helps my readers navigate the complex world of finance. In addition to my work as a journalist, I'm also a content lead and editor, responsible for overseeing the creation of content across a variety of platforms. I enjoy working with writers and content creators to develop compelling stories that resonate with our audience.

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