On October 31, a groundbreaking event titled “Smart Agents on an Enriched Blockchain” took place at Keble College, Oxford. Co-Founder of the Oxford Blockchain Research Centre, Bangdao Chen, and Chair of the IEEE Blockchain Technical Community, Ramesh Ramadoss, hosted the event. The focus was on the challenges and design solutions in the agentic internet, specifically in building independent and verifiable agents.
The event featured presentations from renowned computer scientists, including Richard Sutton FRS FRSC, known as the “father of reinforcement learning,” and Bill Roscoe FREng, Director of the Oxford Blockchain Research Centre. Other experts in the field also shared their insights and perspectives on the topic.
This gathering provided a unique opportunity to delve into the world of smart agents and explore the potential of an enriched blockchain. The discussions and presentations offered valuable insights into the future of technology and its impact on various industries.