Since its debut just 1.5 months ago, the platform has already seen over 13.6K memecoins launched, with a total volume of $430 million. According to GraFun in a Telegram message to CoinDesk, even though it currently operates on just one chain, it has become the leading memecoin launchpad on any EVM-compatible chain.
Finance Analyst
Hello, my name is Carmen Brooke Martin and I am an expert finance journalist with a master's degree from New York University in Business and Economics. I'm passionate about helping startups spread the word, discover and promote great projects in the crypto and fintech industry.
What I am working on is to provide basic cryptocurrency education and benefits to the crypto community through video tutorials and written content.
As a business developer, I help crypto projects structure and create a whitepaper that can stir investors' interest, advice on marketing strategies and promotions.