Stay up to date with the latest news and insights from the cryptocurrency industry. CoinDesk is a trusted media outlet that provides in-depth coverage of all things crypto.
Our Commitment to Quality Journalism
At CoinDesk, our team of award-winning journalists follows strict editorial policies to ensure accurate and unbiased reporting. We are dedicated to providing our readers with reliable information about the ever-changing world of digital assets.
Acquisition by Bullish Group
In November 2023, CoinDesk was acquired by the Bullish group, a leading player in the digital assets exchange industry. The Bullish group, majority-owned by, has a strong presence in blockchain technology and digital asset businesses, with significant holdings in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
As an independent subsidiary, CoinDesk maintains its editorial independence with an oversight committee to safeguard journalistic integrity. Employees, including journalists, may receive options in the Bullish group as part of their compensation.
Updated Policies
For information on our updated privacy policy, terms of use, cookies, and how we handle personal information, please visit the relevant sections on our website.