Alethea AI is working on a decentralized protocol that will make it possible to create interactive and intelligent non-fungible tokens (iNFTs). As pioneers of the iNFT standard, they are at the forefront of incorporating AI animation, interaction, and generative AI features into NFTs. The iNFT protocol is open to anyone who wishes to create, train, and profit from their iNFTs in the first-ever Intelligent Metaverse called Noah’s Ark.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Current Price
Current price of Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI) is currently traded from $ 0.038955 0.94% down d/d. Current market cap of ALI is $139,647,518, ranked 231st according to Coinmarketcap. 24H trading volume is $2,566,600 today.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Price Prediction for 2023
As the crypto market recovers from the winter slump, it is anticipated that Artificial Liquid Intelligence will reach its peak price of $0.070112. On the other hand, the lowest anticipated price is $0.046741, while the average price is expected to remain around $0.058427.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Price Prediction for 2024
It is anticipated that Artificial Liquid Intelligence will reach its peak price of $0.0939. On the other hand, the lowest anticipated price is $0.0812, while the average price is expected to remain around $0.0939.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Price Prediction for 2025
Anticipated growth for Artificial Liquid Intelligence in 2025 is expected to be remarkable, coinciding with the increasing recognition of crypto in various business sectors. This growth could drive the price of Artificial Liquid Intelligence to soar as high as $0.148014, with an average price of approximately $0.136329. Although there could be fluctuations, the lowest expected price for Artificial Liquid Intelligence in this scenario is $0.124644.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Price Prediction for 2026
It is anticipated that Artificial Liquid Intelligence will reach its peak price of $0.17. On the other hand, the lowest anticipated price is $0.15, while the average price is expected to remain around $0.15.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Price Prediction for 2027
Artificial Liquid Intelligence is expected to have a highest predicted value of $0.17 and a lowest anticipated value of $0.15. The average price is expected to stay around $0.15.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Price Prediction for 2028
Artificial Liquid Intelligence is expected to have a highest predicted value of $0.21 and a lowest anticipated value of $0.18. The average price is expected to stay around $0.20.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Price Prediction for 2029
It is anticipated that Artificial Liquid Intelligence will reach its peak price of $0.28. On the other hand, the lowest anticipated price is $0.26, while the average price is expected to remain around $0.27.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Price Prediction for 2030
Market sentiment indicates that Artificial Liquid Intelligence is likely to continue its upward trend towards $0.34277 in the year 2030. However, if it fails to garner sufficient support, the average price of Artificial Liquid Intelligence is expected to hover around $0.331084, with the possibility of hitting a low of $0.319399.
Year | Minimum Price | Average Price | Maximum Price |
2023 | $0.0336 | $0.0789 | $0.0829 |
2024 | $0.0812 | $0.0939 | $0.0969 |
2025 | $0.11 | $0.13 | $0.14 |
2026 | $0.15 | $0.17 | $0.17 |
2027 | $0.15 | $0.17 | $0.17 |
2028 | $0.18 | $0.20 | $0.21 |
2029 | $0.26 | $0.27 | $0.28 |
2030 | $0.32 | $0.33 | $0.34 |